Christian Club

Community Living
Christians are a family--grow with others physically and spiritually like yourself!

What we are not:
Also, I will remind you that we are not Baptists or Presbyterians
and do not promote war or encourage involvement in the military, but rather promote harmless living; if you don't think you can live that way with us, I am sure our groups are not for you. Denominations, pastors or leaders who promote military resistance to serve their own agendas more so than social separation are not recommended. (No half-steppers!) If peaceful, strong group conviction and resistance against non-Northern-European and anti-Christian integration and desegregation had been pursued before WW II, then perhaps the NWO could not have advanced so far.

If our ancestors had pursued such needful precepts, perhaps Wilson could not have sold our country!


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White, not Hispanic, not Oriental, not Southern European



Anglo Saxon

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