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Brother Ken Billings Exposes John MacArthur And Damnable Heresy

John MacArthur Is A Filthy, Liar!

Mr. MacArthur revealed his own deception when he formerly said to the effect that "98 per cent" of the pastors have integrity and are moral. To the contrary, the majority (in high percentages) of mainstream church ministers do not reprove the sin of condonation of legalized adultery or remarriage (even John himself!).

MacArthur is a deceived man. Furthermore, he is an erring, modern day churchiosity-parrot and a very over estimated liar. Instead of convicting of sin, he attempts to desensitize his victims. He revealed his error again on the audio “God's Word on Divorce and Remarriage 1” taken from Focus On The Family:{2E337DED-D850-4BB4-9487-D396EE991D5A} [May 21, 2012]. He explicitly condones the sin of remarriage.

He also confuses overlooking living in uncleanness (a man accepting and living with a defiled woman) with forgiveness. To the contrary of his defiled thought (see Dt. 24:4), a woman divorced for the reason of adultery may qualify for forgiveness: However, that does not make her sexually chaste. Her former marriage has been irreversibly destroyed and cannot be restored. Living single is necessary for some people.

An unclean woman will defile and disgrace the whole house!

This lovely, intelligent but erring lady is incorrect! I hope her children see this page.


Female chastity and prevention of defilement does have to do with our day. Let us never allow youth be encouraged to accept impurity. Our children must be taught the precept of female chastity and purity so they will keep themselves from defilement.

John MacArthur Expose

While our world has fallen into devastating sins of fornication and adultery, Mr. MacArthur seems to have followed his blind peers with a smile. May the Lord rebuke him.

See Video2

Discern how I reproved Pat Robertson, "I would like you to understand a very important point. On page 167 and 168 you stated that 'if an unbelieving spouse leaves a believer, the believer is not bound to the marriage relationship, but is free to remarry.5'   That is a falsehood! It simply is not true. What such a situation does induce is the freedom for the believer to 'remain unmarried' mene'tow a'gamos (I Cor 7:11, 15).”

Compare John MacArthur with Charles Manson. Adultery in the Old Testament was a death-penalty sin even as murder. One thing that people who distort the truth and abuse their influence have in common is deception!

Manson still has supporters and people who advocate his release from prison. Heresy teachers fool many people into things that bring sorrow and grief. Some of them wear a suit and tie, others do not. Never put your trust in someone (or erring dogma) more than the Lord.

Many times, the truth is easy to search. Study the Scriptures and let God through prayer and listening lead you into righteousness and prevent you from defilement.

Jesus came to fulfill the law:

As I close brethren, remember, God's plan for marriage is chastity. Don't let the churchiosity deceivers mislead you into a life of defilement, fornication or uncleanliness. Prepare a holy life for your posterity through chastity teaching, not the gainsaying of the erring, parrot teachers. Study the precepts of Dt. 22 and Ex. 22 in my sermon “Illusion”.

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Marriage Index

Video: Dating And Marriage 101 (67 minutes)

Compare John MacArthur with Charles Manson

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YouTube Links:

Video1, Linkowski11, “MDR Question #3. Does Deut 24:1-4 Forbid The Return of a Former Spouse?”, April 30, 2012

Video2 John MacArthur, “God's Word on Divorce and Remarriage (Part 1 of 2)” Focus On The Family, May 16, 2012