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Mid-eastern Genetic Anthropology And Demographic Studies


Chapter 3: Religion and Mentality
(Israel Opposes The Law And Covenant: Ezra 10)

Modern Israel is the Zionist capture of an abandoned state and religion by a mad (delusioned), and unacceptable people like its former outcasts: Opposing religious heritages

It should be noted that Israel is a violent, economic, global-rule minded military-people with world-wide hegemony and media control, consisting of adherents of an anti-Christian conglomerate, not a biological race: Many may even treacherously serve in USA politics as secret "Jews" and look like a Northern European descendant

The very obvious, present futility of Japhethic-Israel's, mongrel-promoting, irrelgious disregard toward biological homogeneity and natural authenticity (fully Semitic biological lineage) mingled with hypocrisy and hatred toward racially similar, non-Israeli or non-Talmudicist, mixed peoples or others

In contradiction to self-proclaiming "Jewism", Hesedken promotes Hebrew and patriarchal inheritance, not race betrayal of non-Jewism tribes or Talmud acceptance and blood-mixing (inter-marriage) in order to be accepted in a usurping, fraudulent, heretical (Ezra 10), anti-Christian religious society (Israel)

Hebrews honored the Law and Covenants; Modern Israel makes the Torah void and does not regard many covenants

Next chapter

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Alternative-Jews are not God's chosen people
The Hidden Tyranny

Benjamin Freedman, said speaking of the Khazars as he was referring to the Ashkenazi Jew, "There wasn't one of them who had an ancestor who ever put a toe in the Holy Land".

The Doctrine of Religious Genealogy: Genetics and Reason





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