Building A Foundation

I used to work in the construction industry. I didn't learn enough to start my own business but I did earn some money doing it, even at times when I earned relatively low wages. Nevertheless, I did realize that a foundation was needed for a building. Without the foundation, the building could not stand for long.

When a brick layer puts the bricks or blocks upon the other elements of the building, he doesn't use a glue that has been polluted beyond a good holding consistency. He doesn't lay his blocks upon mere sand; they must be laid upon a foundation that will hold. I know I was not a brick layer but I did work around them when I did carpentry, heat induction systems, plumbing and various applications of construction.

Foundations are built upon principles. Mathematics and physics gives vision of how a material foundation will work. When we learn mathematics, we learn how to add, subtract, multiply and divide. Even learning the tools that develop contruction require the understanding of principles or laws.

The foundation of the institution of marriage is based upon the Scriptures. We need to study them to understand God's will for our reproduction process.

People must realize that female virginity is a requirement for marriage. The only exception is for a chaste widow. Therefore, for a defiled woman to expect to date someone is a false walk of spiritual fornication and disrespect of God's institution of marriage. Our institutions have been polluted due to heretical influence.

We must build up that which is weak. The spiritual and clean foundation of the family must be promoted. Beware, Satan wants to destroy families and the clean institution of marriage.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” (Proverbs 29:18 KJV) We need to build foundations for the Christian family. Homes and homogeneous communities are necessary. Understanding God's cleanliness law is important.

However, to begin with, the home is made up of a clean, man and a woman, not an adulterer and an adulteress, not a fornicator and a woman of fornication. Therefore, plans must be made for the males and females we are raising now to remain chaste and clean until they get married. This takes parents with a life of character that will encourage the youth, parents with the knowledge to expose the difference between false light and true light.

In the apostasy that we live in, and the diverse communities that we struggle for survival, a wife must endure righteously for the children's sake, even if it requires self-denial of assets and a better quality of life. A woman can't allow herself to become unclean through fornication because it would break the home up. A man cannot live with an unclean woman; it is an abomination. Rapists and pollutionists under the name of refugees or immigrants must be disallowed. When women live in unrighteous and unclean homes, the children suffer for the continuing defilement and disgrace. They don't have the honor of other children. Other people look down on a fallen woman and home, and use language that is discouraging. The reason many children turn to drugs, and don't graduate from high school is because of lack of home support!

There is even a way a broken home can be resolved to support the children, but the couple can no longer remain together. The children can go with the parent that is best trying to serve God. Such tragedy can be prevented through vision. May God bless all who read this, amen.


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