Not all illegitimate marriages are the result of fornication divorce (Mt. 19:9) and female second cultural marriage; however, a previously undefiled wife who commits adultery and divorces does not justify the remarriage of her former husband either. Nevertheless, the fornication of a woman only justifies her divorce from her supposed and legalized but not real husband; it does not give her a right to marry another man. Nevertheless, pertaining to pure marriage, the early church established monogamy and remaining single after divorce. Therefore, the husband of such a wife of fornication would not be bound to her and would seemingly be able to marry someone else because he was not legitimately married in the first place. Nevertheless, he would be carrying baggage that a female virgin who does a background check peacefully and righteously may not want to live with.

So, to the opposite of immorality, pure marriage, agreeing with the premarital bond of Ex. 22 and Dt. 22 would disallow divorce. This is demonstrated by the non-polygamous restriction of the deacons, who were required to be “husbands of one wife” (I Timothy 3:12). A marriage partner was strongly advised to reconcile his or her problems if possible in 1 Cor. 7: 10, 11: "And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife." Some heretics (Pat Robertson in this instance) claim if an unbelieving spouse leaves a believer, the believer is not bound to the marriage relationship, but is free to remarry. That is a falsehood! It simply is not true. What such a situation does induce is the freedom for the believer to 'remain unmarried' mene'tow a'gamos (I Cor 7:11, 15). The apostle Paul gave faithful judgment and made it clear that virgins could marry, but if they became divorced not to remarry: “Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife.” (I Cor. 7:27).

Jesus answered the divorce question by referring to Adam and Eve (a one-marriage status) in the beginning. Marriage was designed a unity that should not be broken. A biblical marriage is established by the virginity of the woman, the never-married and the non-obligated-to-a-former-virgin status of the male, and the consent of the father of the virgin woman. On the other hand, not all first marriages are really biblical marriages: They are relationships of fornication legalized through the state. They should be annulled.


Commentary: I Corinthians 7:2

Virgin Premarital Sex Marriage Bond (Ex. 22, Dt. 22)

Remarriage Illusion Reproof

Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ...” (I Timothy 3:12)

Freedom to 'remain unmarried' mene'tow a'gamos (I Cor 7:11, 15)

Erring Prophets Selling False Hope

Piper and MacArthur Deceptions

Robertson Deceiving Hinn (Caught!)

Elizabeth Smart Rape

Tamar, Daughter Of King David

Adam And Eve Premarital Virginity

Essence Of Marriage And Divorce

Find A Faithful Minister

Don't Mess A Female's Mind Up!

Licensed But Deceived Ministers

Un-Doing A Mismarriage: Annulment

Cultural Marriage Male Background Check

Legislative Proposal: Woman Must Be Clean