Moslim Women Dress Well


The fault of Moslim women is their ignorance of Christianity and denial of the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ (video), not the way they dress. May God help the wayward in heresy repent and learn the true nature (incarnate monotheism of the Son) of Jesus. Amen.

A Head-covered, Attractive And Lovely Vocalist, Harpist And Composer

Moslims, those that are generally offshoots of rejected Ishmael and others, have been deceived by the devised, false religion of Mohammad. Wife-beating is an accepted practice. Any sensible woman after hearing of the love of Christianity toward wives should want to get out of the tyrannous heresy as soon as possible. They condone polygamy, which is contrary to New Testament teaching (1 Cor. 7). They also have an inherent trend of invasion and miscegenation among other peoples. Islam is a blasphemous, social plague in the world today. It would actually be more safe for Christianity-promoting countries to disallow immigration of Moslims into their country rather than to await their threats of violence (and riots) due to rejection of their lusts and deceptive ideals. Christian and Moslim societies can never essentially agree with one another so they shouldn't be imposed upon each other. The light of truth and the darkness of heresy can not mix. Homogeneous environment is the answer for all governmental-designed demographics.

Roman Catholic nuns (although heretics) dress well also.

Amish women are probably the greatest witnesses of proper dress and simple lifestyle today, although heresy has crept into the Mennonite and Amish establishment. Before this video was made unavailable, the females had nets on, which isn't as appealing as veils or scarves. (I recommend a mouth piece flip on the veil as Rebecca wore.) They are promoters of self-dependence and physical harmlessness (at least to a degree), much different than the rest of the world. Dress is an important witness to the surrounding environment!

Amish Women

People Becoming Modest: Praise The Lord!

 The way a woman of devotion serves God shows honor and respect of the angels, "For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels" (I Cor. 11:10). The word "power" in Greek is "ex-ou-see'-a", which means "authority." The woman should have respect of authority according to the creative attributes: the woman was created for the man (I Cor. 11:9); and the woman is the glory of the man (I Cor. 11:7). In this respect, she ought to be covered preferably with long hair (I Cor. 11:5), or a covering of some other mode (I Cor. 11:6). The woman should have reverence for her husband, men in general, God and angels when she is praying or prophesying. More details...

The Law of Jealousies: Note in Nu. 5:18 impliedly women covered their head. More details...

Women: American Dress

Laura Bush Flaunting-of-Legs Degeneration

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