A Hesedken Presentation
Promoting The Torah Of Moses


More profoundly from a perspective of loyalty and honor to their own race as to disciplinary social ethics, women should not even desire to date or associate with men of other races. Since Affirmative Action laws persecute the males, the God ordained providers of the home, of the Nordish race, no one of us should want to have any intimacy with those that favor our demise (every Anglo Saxon [or Nordish] woman should look at every non-Anglo Saxon [or non-Nordish] man as a threat to our own prosperity, and despise, hate, and take legal action against any sexual pass by such). See Lincoln's view of anti-miscegenation and white superiority.

Avoid all binding association with the Roman Catholic organization and members: schools, colleges, and even businesses if you can. "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple." (Rom. 16:17, 18)

Recognize the fraudulent and unbelieving Joo for his disbelief: Luther and the Jew. There are many big things we need to do to prevent the fake-Jew's financial and social prosperity inadvertently through our negligence (we must promote the prosperity of the faithful, not the accursed); however, even on the little things, certainly we should not buy Jooish produced foods with "kosher" written on the label. Take pride in yourself for everything you do that shows that you are not deceived by the Talmudics.

Remember, loving your own is not hating others. Segregation, Christian prosperity and missionary work go hand in hand. Outreach is made through ambassadorship, not intrusion. We may invite those not of our race into our churches. Our churches should invite all peoples to attend our spiritual services and learn our way of living so they can learn our loving and non-intrusive manners, and develop their own autonomous communities. We may also visit other countries. We should evangelize all parts of the world, and not inter-marry with those of a foreign land that are physically different than we are. Racial homogeneity, chastity through undefiled sexual relationship, and evangelism unto repentance of life (Acts 11.18) are blessed. It is easy to realize this by looking at the contrast with the contrary, political, religious and social afflictions and persecutions we bear today.

Those of our own race that married mates of other races were missing this good precept and training. Many suffered hardship also and were not sufficiently isolated. Due to their disadvantage they were subverted and brought disgrace and affliction upon our race. They have lost the opportunity a caring pastor and parent would have given them -- to remain in the Nordish race.

Therefore, let our mature women in the faith teach the young women that it is not proper for them to date out of their race. If they should speak to a man, do it only in a business fashion--do not laugh or flirt with any male without the approval of a holy, elder woman of our race, who holds the preservation doctrine. May our elder women guide the young women not to associate with the unbelieving or heretic peoples.

The more noble of the non-Nordish races should concede to this precept of our protective isolation, segregation principles and policy, and help us preserve our race. If you have non-Nordish friends that are interested in your beliefs, try to persuade them to honor the preservation doctrine of our Nordish race even as Israel honored Ezran preservation doctrine (EZRA 10:2-12). However, if they do not concede, associate with them as little as possible. Actually, you do not even have to say a word -- willful silence is an active show of strength -- you are not obligated to answer their passes. Your separation alone from the other races is an act of love and encouragement, and a public witness that you care about holiness, yourself, your race and others.

We must make adjustments to sufficiently isolate ourselves. We need to apply preservation principles and tactics (protective isolation) from youth up in education and work.

Beware of the deception and destruction of non-identity (nihilism) and multi-racial proponents: pray for them that they may be ashamed for bothering the Nordish race so that they may have a holy desire to leave us alone even at cost of crucifying their lusts. Let us put to death any desire in our own lives that is not pleasing to God.

Avoid entertainment except for critiquing with any non-Nordish as participants. Only on very rare occasions if ever should you use a TV. Use a computer or radio.

Feature sites: Right and Wrong Racism The Nordish Crisis

Remember Inheritance Day

Teach our young women to work at home and to maintain chastity Press here or here

How to Stand against Miscegenation and Annihilation (Genocide)

May our men learn non-violence Press here

You need Christian fellowship to help you learn and grow in Christ. Many churches are divided in our difficult times, but I would like to suggest the more mature people reaching out on the Internet. I can't even suggest the Mennonite churches as a gathering place any more because of their heresy: Beware of the ones that condone legalized adultery. Beware of the Amish also. Personal Bible study helps also. Meditation and prayer helps. Study all of Hesedken's sites.

The love and fear of the Lord is the proper respect for a person to have so that God may work in his life so as to make pleasing changes for Him. Let us pray daily that the Nordish people will make a bond of love for one another until we get deliverance. In Jesus' holy name, Amen.

"Furthermore, we must not allow ourselves to think that we must separate ourselves only from the darker races. We also must prevent intimate association with the lighter color people and mixtures that are not Nordish (European American). Social intimacy beyond this restriction is enmity toward preservation of our race." Press here.

Solving employment unfairness and wastefulness in the USA: Don't race for work; work for race!

Send your prayer or suggestion: we must work together and pray together.