Note: This is not a legal document; it is a biblical analysis.


Weinstein Victims' Testimonies

Weinstein's lawyer Donna Rotunno on guilty verdict – BBC Newsnight, Feb 25, 2020, BBC Newsnight

Weinstein's rape conviction was justified as far as I am concerned. However, he nor the victims were charged with other moral offenses. This is a travesty of justice. Allred's “20 + 3” is one-sided. Adultery used to be considered a crime. I believe the case would have been much better for everyone if Weinstein and the women were charged with citations for illegitimate sex on other occasions than the rape or sexual assault incidents. Forced red-lipping is very serious but it still serious when it is not forced and not red such as Bill and Sally , and so are other obscene consensual incidents. In order to be fair to male and female, the public must press lawyers and courts to restore and enforce former laws and punish sexual immorality of any kind, including masturbation.

Of course, there must be a platform for repentance so as people would be willing to change without a harsh deterrent such as prison. Good lawyers make good law, and good courts approve. This is a political and legal job for the moral to pursue. As to the immoral, Go, and sin no more.

With no personal bias against the people who gave testimony at the Weinstein trial, how many times was a biblically illegitimate sex event mentioned and without any indictment, or even a statement of indication of dishonor such as consensual illicit acceptance or cohabitation. America has become a nation that even rewards sex offenders at times. This legal deterioration would have been difficult to come about if the standard for penalty against adultery (a form of fornication) and preservation of family and community had not been destroyed. Even though fornication, adultery and murder should be given harsh sentences and life in prison, naturalization in the USA, the courts, the mainstream church and morality concerning purity of sexual relationship became much more loose.

American Law In The Beginning: An Adulterer Could Not Become A Citizen

The last time I was in traffic court, I had to attest the things I said according to the Bible. When the USA began, the founders designed a Constitution and court system that accepted the third and fulfillment era of the Bible as truth and moral. The proof of this is that the Bible in their courts had the New Testament within it, which gives moral precedence for our current time. The first law era promoted polygamy (Ex. 21:10) and the second law era tolerated remarriage (Dt. 24: 1-2), but the third era repealed so to speak the former eras in many sexual aspects.

Understanding What Is Adultery

What is adultery? Fundamentally, from a synoptical viewpoint, there are two distinct acts, the one subsequent to the other, which constitute adultery. The first act is a sin of "putting away" because the Scripture says the husband "shall cleave to his wife" (Gn. 2:24); and also, that no one should separate what God has yoked together (Mk. 10:9)--"one flesh" (Gn. 2:24). The second sinful act, "marry another," is subsequent to the first. It also contradicts I Cor. 7:10, 11. Whenever a man puts away a woman, he separates a unified entity which God has joined together. This act in itself does not constitute adultery. However, afterward, if he should marry, he commits adultery against her (Mk. 10:11, Lk. 16:18). Also, if a woman should put away her husband and marry another man, she commits adultery ( Mk. 10:12). Any man who marries her that is put away from her husband commits adultery (Lk. 16:18).

Immoral Activities Allowed Without Indictment

So, how many times was Weinstein charged for adultery? None. How many times were those who claim to be victims charged for consensual sex, adultery or other sexual immorality offenses? None!

Thoughts To Consider

Showing nakedness has always been considered lewd. ()

It is generally thought safe for a woman not to be alone with a man in the same room. () Even if there is no actual evidence of threat of sex, it may help prevent temptation.

Sex outside of marriage is a form of fornication. ()

Some victims complained of a rape culture and factory being established, furthering Weinstein's fornication. Complicit people should be held accountable.

Sex is for reproduction, not for abominable pleasure. ()

Marriage is supposed to be a loving relationship between two people, not anything immoral or violent, and especially not with other women. However, according to the testimonies, all sorts of defilement through aggressive sex seems to have been perpetuated by Weinstein.

At one time, adultery was a death penalty sin as well as murder. Sadly, today many forms of fornication are rampant without penalty. Summarizing, male and female both must be responsible for their consensual immoral activities. Female sexual treachery and disloyalty must be taken into account for penalty, and also be considered to be determined as a cause for appeasement male must not be the only recipient of penalization.


America Needs Chastity-Law Protection

Weinstein Fornication

Prison Proposal For Female Treachery

What If Adultery Were Indicted?

Go, and sin no more

Perpetual Defilement

Platform For Living Single

What Fornication Is

Men Lacking The Mind Of A Normal Man

Rape Prison: Why Restitution Must Be Demanded

Elite Cover-Ups

MGTOW And Alimony Avoidance


Draft For Women

When Alimony Is Not Appropriate

Epstein Child Rape

Masturbation Is Sin

Forced Tampon Removal Is Sexual Assault

Back To DUI Record Holding

Tracing America's Sexual Deterioration Downfall

America's gods of Babylon

Non-Continuous Sin Differentiation

Old Testament Tolerance of Remarriage

New Testament Repeal of Remarriage and Adultery

State Laws Became Passive Toward Sexual Sin



Sex Determination

Chromosomal Racial Discrimination