Prayer for the Christian and Nordish Peoples that Hope in God: Independence to Serve Him

Dear Lord in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Bless us that we have a separatist type following and government wherein we can live peacefully, decently and honestly, and openly praise you and your truth, wherein we may be able to work and advance on the soil which our forefathers settled and not be hindered or suppressed because of a quota or opportunity deficit due to the treacherous and horrible discrimination of the unjust regarding our white skin that you have blessed us with.

Deliver us from the neighboring, leeching anti -Whites, the international wire puller and manipulator, the "position getter politician," the criminal official, and the fraud. Provide for those suffering political and Christian persecution and for those who suffer to bless your Christian people, O Lord. Help us live in decency and honesty. Bless us that the works we do and the sufferings we endure attest to your mercy and mastery. In the precious name of Jesus, we ask these things.

We thank you for accounting us worthy to suffer for your name's sake the ethnic and religious hatred or contempt in the many various forms it has manifested itself, whether passive or active, and for giving us strength and courage to withstand and protest such tyranny. We trust that you are able to keep us through all things. You are our leader Lord. Help us prosper that we may also encourage and direct other peoples to likewise separate themselves and promote Christian national and racial self dependence in contradistinction to racial intermixture, even as unto multi-nationalism (separate kings and peoples--governments) among the Israel of God, in your honor, and in respect as you told Abraham, "a father of many nations". Amen.

Father in Heaven, bless peoples throughout the world that they believe in your son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and commit their souls to you. Amen

Scriptural insight concerning the above prayer: See Gn. 17: 4-8. The covenant does not belong to the ADL; Jesus told the Jews that denied Him that they were not Abraham's children, but the children of the devil. There is a new covenant today, and it belongs to Christians. In order to learn more about God's covenant with his people, see Acts 15:9, or visit here and also here. The sons of the nations of the seed of Abraham are entitled to live in Israel under their own king or government. America's politicians are enlightened not to aid national Israel, but rather aid the sons of the nations (Galatians Israel) in the USA and in international politics so as to promote racial and religious separatism and self-dependence.

Goals of Hegemony Equalization

Ecumenical Homogeneity

Remember Germany: A robbed, nation once of devout homogeneity principle

Reflections upon the Book of Obadiah

Benjamin Freedman:


No Gentile should be a blood-monger for the foothold of Palestine!
