Circumcision of the private area was appropriate according to the law (Torah) during the time of our glorious Esther and later the Macabbees; but even as the non-Hebrew, people of modern Israel are lacking required (Ezra 2:61-63) genealogical proof similarly to the enlightened-of-the-law converts in Esther's time, nevertheless, they as overbearing impostors override the Torah and make themselves as they are Hebrews instead of theologically partial (omitting Numbers 36:5-13 and other Scriptures that defy their lies) and genetically hybrid or non-Hebrew converts. They improvise a matrilineal law in direct contradiction to the Hebrew's Torah-required patrilineal law. A rebellious convert to a religion does not have the authority to take God's real estate and to change the laws of inheritance of the patriarchs to suit their own unGodly agenda.
How can a counterfeiter Jew repent? You do not have to be a Jew to be a Christian, God will accept any believer [regardless of his genetics and genealogy] in the Lord Jesus Christ.