Billy Sunday:

America In The Early Days

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How Youth Can Overcome The Sins Of The Apostasy

Study your bible (in the original languages). Some young students have an appetite for challenging material; this is a great way to develop your education. You can even learn at home on your computer by going to the Internet. Do not let teachers or preachers that have not studied the Bible in the original languages discourage you from doing so. Remember, we live in a society that dumbs people down many times rather than lift them up. The media is not always for our good success; sometimes, they deliberately try to mess youth up!

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)

Make your salvation sure.

Keep chaste. Avoid attractive people that do not want to live chaste lives.

Do not covet. Depend on God to supply your needs. Pray often.

Love and keep yourselves in love; do not be violent; do not serve men, serve God.

Study my website.

Avoid phony escapes like alcohol and other substance abuse. Keep your natural high on life and don't ruin yourself or the body and mind that God has given you. Beware of American Socialist-type (drug-inducing) medical advice!

Practise Good Habits Instead Of Bad Habits

America's Preachers On Theological Skid Row

Message for Today