Eli Yoder Fornication

Eli Yoder makes it evident that he promotes fornication. He states in his video “Ex-Mennonite Martha’s story/testimony in her Breckinridge Mennonite community.”: “I will always defend all victims and to say that she shouldn’t get married because she was raped is the most pathetic nonsense I’ve ever heard in my life”. Eli attempted to justify the marriage of a rape victim to another man than her first. This, hypothetically, would be a form of fornication.

After a couple have sex and complete the physical part of the marriage bond (Ex. 22, Dt. 22) but the female is not accepted by the male or vice versa, then, when the female departs and has sex with another man than the first, it is an act of fornication. So, to avoid this condemned (Gal. 5:19) predicament, a man should take a female virgin he has either chosen, seduced or raped for his wife. If he doesn't marry her, he leaves her in a condition that she can't legitimately marry anyone else. Many such women become prostitutes or victims of illegitimate cultural marriages. (In the case of incest, the victim could not marry her first man but would have to remain single.)

Fornication in this sense is different than adultery whereas an adulteress commits a sexual sin with another man after the marriage bond is completed sexually and the man agreeably marries her. Nevertheless the subject of this verse is fornication. Joseph was going to put away (Mt. 1:19) Mary, the mother of Jesus, when he realized she was pregnant. He thought someone else had committed a sexual sin with his bride-to-be. However, after his meeting the angel and being convicted otherwise, he changed his mind.

Sexual fornication is a physical sex act which results in unchastity whereas marriage does not; and adultery is a species of fornication. Eli was not transparent when I asked him previously about the state (whether she was chaste or not) of his second wife when she married him. He has criticized me for presenting the law to him as a guideline for acceptable marriage. He promotes sexual illegitimacy and passivity as the bishops he condemns. Many unlearned pastors in the worldly churches also perform the ceremony and pass off an unchaste woman to a man. This error is ruining people while mocking God and his commandments. Sexual abstinence is necessary for defiled women.

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