Westboro Baptist Church Cult Fornication Exposed


(Shirley is a Fornication Enabler: See Timeline 12 Minutes, 15 Seconds: An Unclean Woman Will Defile and Disgrace the Whole House! )

My post on July 20, 2013: “Poor Shirley is deceived. She says she repented. Repented of what? She doesn't describe in detail her sinful circumstances which she thinks she repented. The thing is... unchaste women commit fornication when they marry someone else.” She did not say her unknown man (and whether he was her first man) died, which would free her from biblical (Romans 7:1-3), marital responsibility to him.


Forgiveness and cleanliness are not the same thing! Marriage must be based on chastity. Shirley's present man served the Devil if he incorporated with Shirley in uncleanness. Shirley seems to claim that she has repented without giving details of her former sexual relationship wherein she had a child and whether the man was alive at the time of her other children were born. Repentance in a case of having a child by a man would require not having sex with anyone as least as long as the man who first penetrated her is alive. If the man is still alive, she should disannul her present relationship.

A clean man must not accept an unclean woman. God's law specifically condemns (Dt. 22: 21) the marriage of an unchaste woman. If a woman was seduced (penetrated) previously, her dating days are actually over as long as her first man (who penetrated her) is still alive. She would have no biblical right to offer herself as an unchaste date (potential mate) to another man. It would be an attempt of folly to even date someone, leading the guy on that she is chaste (Dt.22:21).

God expects the virtue of chastity to be kept among the people of God. Defilement of even a chaste wife through rape or seduction destroys the hope of return to her husband. Of course a man may forgive and should do so as soon as possible, but forgiving is not the same issue as marital cleanliness and protecting a family from defilement and spiritual disgrace.

The reason the popularity preachers are so popular is because they compromise God's law. They do not uphold Biblical guidance. Westboro has not been so popular, but rather infamous. Nevertheless, Shirley and her man are just as guilty in the aspect of fornication promotion and enabling as other heretics and cults. So are Steve Drain and the rest of the cult fornication enablers.

The Old Testament law condemned unchaste marriage (just having sex even without having a child out of wedlock, and marrying someone else) even as it condemned homosexuality and murder. All were death penalty offenses. Nevertheless, the New Testament does not promote capital punishment. Even so, by no means should the standard of chastity be degraded today.

Note the JFK/Mimi Beardsley situation for another example of female fornication.

Discerning between Chastity and Fornication Quiz