Racial Superiority and the
Virtue of Theodemocracy

Government at its idealistic best is a Christian, Theodemocracy: A government that requires rule by a single leader (elder) and the Christian church in similarity to Samuel and the people of God, or James, the chief elder at Jerusalem, and the early church.

As a rule for guidance, the Torah is excellent authority for correcting the unrighteous (1 Ti. 8-11). Although, the New Testament is more excellent and fulfilling. Heresies of spiritual and physical fornication must be exposed. As commanded in the O.T., full cleanliness—body and spirit (Acts 15.28,29)--was required among the believers also.

However, in realistic terms, acknowledging that there will be more sinners than Christians, a community-type of government can not exist without borders, and even then the right and exercise of excommunication must be necessary. Nevertheless, Christian government should be attempted by all possible means.

Perhaps, a proper foundation for any nation would provide demographically apportioned areas for its people (Nu. 36:5-13) as the Hebrew tribes (subraces). Any righteous, learned group will not evade race (subrace) reality, and they will recognize their cultural histories. Religion (culture) usually determines genealogy and genetics of its people. Mixing was abhorred by Nehemiah. Race is sacred.

The Unites States in its beginning developed a government in respect to God and the Holy Bible in respect of genetics and other forms of morality. Analogical to the body of the early church, early Americans promoted many good Christian teachings through their union and people-of-the-state right-to-correct government; the world was blessed by this.

Although, they had theological problems as any state or nation has in the endeavor for righteousness. Obviously, their divisions, land and history manifested this by the Civil War (a war that should have been avoided). However, previous to this catastrophe, Jesus Christ was revered and the government attempted a Christ-honoring government with very great respect toward the white race as its democracy--a government for and by white people (perhaps 90 percent white up until 1960).

(continue ... racial and cultural virtue)

Apostle Paul: Claiming Patrilineal Racial Homogeneity

The religious doctrine of Land and People

Our Prayer

A study on dominion vs. the evolution of reverse slavery

Abraham Lincoln: When Whites possesed superior position

Our struggle for survival

Understanding Kingliness and Priestliness

Men or Examples of Racial and Cultural Moral and Integrity:
.Jesus Christ (and also the woman of Canaan): He preferred the Jew before the woman and people of Canaan (Mt. 15. 21-28)
Christianity Promoting, Non-Race-Abdicating Military Leaders:
..Robert E. Lee
..Adolf Hitler
..Moses and Samuel
Christianity Promoting, Non-Race-Abdicating Non-Military Leaders:
..James, the servant of God, said that war resulted in asking amiss (James 4:3).

To the contrary:
.Men not such as the above

Faithful Race

Be Yourself!

Summary of Infiltration History