Bracelets(In honor of repentance, chastity, and anti-miscegenation) vs. Worldliness
Outward signs were used in the Old Testament. They should (or let me at least say "could") also be used in our time willingly, not by constraint, to honor God and our fellow man. However, we must avoid tattoos. To rebuild our generation, it will take the help of the misfortunate along with the fortunate. Even as a marriage ring gives honor and a sign to strangers not to intermeddle in someone else's business, so can other distinguished ornaments. Of course, the inner conviction,and desire of holiness is the real significance that matters.
For women due to infamous physical association such as fornication:
I believe it is good for white women (actually, all women) who have committed a sin of fornication to wear an outward sign for public awareness and personal confession so as to deter any man from being tempted to date her. (Notice in part 2, Kay Arthur was not sexually clean, even though her first man died, when she married a man and went on a false mission. Sex with multiple men and becoming a widow does not give a woman a right to marry another man unless all the men have died!) The bracelet should say, "Not able to marry." This would also help our future generation not promote or commit the same sin. I realize that this seems like a great sacrifice in our apostate church era. If the person does not want to wear the bracelet, then at least firm conviction should be made known through pious conduct such as no flirting whatsoever.
In comparison, this is a much more appropriate way for a woman to appear in holy and reverent contrast with the unlearned or unrepentant who wear jewelry, and rings in their noses and other parts of the body. Christians exercise humility, weeping for sin. Our women must be prevented and deterred from the worldly foolishness and disregard of Christian culture and racial homogeneity that Hollywood promotes, such as the bastardized, unlearned young girls that dance with strange men of other races. No doubt, anti-Christian influence has destroyed many young lives.
The outward sign would also show the intention to promote chastity, and convict a violator or fornicator of his liability: Liability.
Furthermore, we believe in promoting legal morality laws as to wedding: Legislative Proposal to Enforce Chastity
Race Percentage:
For men and women, a bracelet saying, "Mixed" should (or again, let me at least say "could") be worn if a person's race purity has been diluted to less than 87.5% of the dominant race with a light colored race(s), and less than 94 % of his race with a black. I personally suggest ten generations of racial and cultural homogeneity as a standard for purity. However, to prevent vast dilution of our race, and to set a suggestive limit for group communities (each group may set its own standard), all born after April 30, 1945 (in continuance, promotion and honor of national, racially-homogeneous autonomy virtue—see Mein Kampf), at least use this percentage standard. It is difficult perhaps, at least for many people through family history records, to verify a person's lineage beyond the second generation after their grandparents, but anthropological and genealogical studies may give confidence.
Homogeneity and Inheritance Factors
This is to promote racial and cultural homogeneity of our world known, evangelistic, Christian, white race, and other races also, not to personally disparage or belittle any member of a race or culture due to genetics, or recorded racial background and irreligious activity, for instance, ritual cannibalism, or noted, consistent, blatant acts of brutality, defilement of human sanctity or murder. Even the notable tendency to cause unnecessary exposure or sensitivity to shame, ridicule or disgrace (such as even ignoring to cover the nakedness of someone, which caused Noah's curse upon one of his sons (Gn. 9.25)), or other act of negligence must be recognized. From a more protracted sense, commission beyond negligent exposure even to an aggressive vile degree, such as in our contemporary age: rapaciousness (beware: foul language), or abominable assault (beware: foul language) toward others must be taken into consideration among the curse and affliction upon society and peoples also. History of God's blessings and curses upon a people, and especially the non-existence, or existence of faith and love of a person, indicates very much about his spiritual inheritance. Choosing a friend with an honorable, and especially, holy reputation is wise.
The use of anatomical physical discernment, even from an elementary glance, such as discovering natural likeness (such as mere facial features) is also a very important tool for finding a homogeneous mate. Many families can trace their inheritance back to Northern Europe. The dignity and honor of the Nordish race has been profoundly respected throughout the world until the recent demise of our governments and the subversive attempt to supplant our morality and anti-miscegenation progress and society.
By the way, although the Bible suggests a man not to kiss a woman before marriage and this teaching has been neglected, most decent men do not even want to date a woman who has as much as kissed a black man, and hopefully not even any non-Nordish man; let us teach our own to keep away from any disgrace. We are sorely afflicted with Dick Clark-type inter-racial talk shows and other destructive propaganda.
For more information on how to determine nationality or race, visit here.
Adolf Hitler (See Mein Kampf.)
Anthropology for Grade School Level
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Simple Racial Psychology: Pathology of Inter-racial Mixing
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