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Checking on Robert Lyte's Progress: Update: Rob is still in denial April 21, 2015: HYPOCRISY OF A HERETIC (Press the hyperlink)

Previous Experiences:

Latest Update: March 18, 2012

I know there are sincere Christians out there that need experience to gain a greater level of usefulness for the Lord. We all are not beyond reproof. I received a message dated 3/17/2012 from 1onetheone. It was a heart-warming apology. I admire a man that will admit he has made a mistake and go on to make things right. I accept Rob as a growing, zealous Christian with more knowledge and experience.

So the information I am leaving below is now not to derogate the brother but rather to demonstrate his progress. I do not believe it is wrong to demonstrate my attempted correction of his former error, but I did take down my reproving video (now on our server--you may see it at the bottom of this page... not anymore... removed it also … brief explanation of gist of video in paragraphs beneath this one) of 1onetheone from YouTube so people would not get a negative impression of him. I don't want to hurt any brother's reputation—my purpose is to promote Jesus and his commandments so people may receive His blessings and escape God's wrath.

1onetheone said to the effect that even if you have married 101 times (“ … no matter how many divorces and remarriages … ”) and divorced 100 times, that you must keep your 101st marriage spouse (“ … the husband … the wife that you're with now, you must not divorce them … ”).

His message was really misleading and nonsense!

However, Robert (1onetheone) did change his thoughts. He explicitly told me: “I am not in agreement with what I was saying in my past video today … ”. He also said some other things. I hope the links in the next paragraph will make all the issues and resolves more clear whether or not Robert agrees with me totally.

Living in a defiled relationship is an abomination. The New Testament does not tolerate remarriage. Illegitimate marriages should be annulled. Divorce is the proper decision sometimes!

An Adulterer Or Adulteress Carrying A Cross:
Disannulling An Illegitimate Relationship

My words to 1onetheone on Feb 19, 2012 at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIou51aZFLE

You err neighbor, Jesus can not condone an unclean relationship. An illegitimate marriage must be disannulled. "... he that committeth adultery with his neighbour’s wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death." Lev. 20:10 [KJV]; Heb. 13:4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. Ps. 50:18 When thou sawest a thief, then thou consentedst with him, and hast been partaker with adulterers. Please repent!

The critical element of marriage is female chastity, not an unauthorized contract as the unlearned man above claims! It is not mental “future trust”, or contractual; it is physical—female chastity must be revealed to the husband. The only exception to the physical revelation would be a chaste widow . (Careful, many defiled women today may try to falsely claim widow purity.)

Marriages that are not approved of God (it is better to live single and afflicted than to live in fornication or legalized adultery)

More details...


As of Feb. 20, 2012, one of the videos of 1onetheone is promoted through Featured Channels on the site of kaykane and finalcall07. I sent both the following message:

Your Featured Channels: 1onetheone

This man is a heretic. I posted on his video but he did not allow the public to see it. I think you should read this page and reconsider choosing him as one of your promotions.


Dating And Marriage 101

Basic Christian Principles of Dating, Marriage, Divorce or Annulment

Feb. 21, 2012

Finalcall07 replied but tried to change the subject, and did not agree that 1onetheone is in error. I then sent the following message to him: “You evaded the issue. I can not accept you as a worthy minister.”


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(Adult-consulted audience only please: Some foul language)

Feb. 22, 2012

New Video: 1onetheone Heresy_Forsaking Female Chastity And Ex. 22

See my sermon “Illusion”.

Update 3/18/2012: My former reproving video that I had on YouTube on our server (below).

Sorry! Removed at later date. The explanation suffices.

Update 4/21/15 Rob is still in denial

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