Torell: Norwegian WW III Prophecy And Ukraine Conflict

A Vision about World War III - John S. Torell, EAEC Videos

How To Be Saved; Be baptized; Prevent Eternal Torment

Although Glynda's video seemingly fails to promote the righteous concept of not being polluted by other peoples, God's plan for Israel was to be racially and culturally homogeneous. Seemingly, due to disobedience and miscegenation, the Hebrews became extinct. There are no biological Jews today. The post-Babel national, racial design and divine segregation has been a proper demographic model for racial homogeneity until this day, and will be honored in the future.

Norwegian Woman End-Time Vision--1968

This is a critique of a random YouTube video concerning the vision. The video was named “1968 Prophecy of a 90 Year Old Norwegian Woman - Alot Has Already Happened” by Glynda Linkous.

Time Phase


Comments and related material

@ about 3 minutes and 30 seconds

prosperity” Christianity as a substitute

Kenneth Copeland “false light” and huge audiences with financial support promoting the substitute religion:

@ about 4 minutes and 2 seconds

entertainment” and “art”

Women martial arts and world-wide fighting on video:

@ about 4 minutes and 36 seconds

uncleanness” in marriage

justified from every angle

Fornication is rampant. Defiled women are marrying men, which is forbidden by biblical law. Female virginity is a requirement for marriage. Remarriage has also been falsely promoted by those proclaiming to be Christians.

@ about 6 minutes and 10 seconds

@ about 6 minutes and 48 seconds

“people from foreign countries will stream to Europe”

She fails to realize that Jesus will not return two times; when he returns the anti-Christ will all ready be here! He cannot set up the millennial reign before then.

Even though God may give his people dreams and visions and they realize things of the future, they also may speak from their level of understanding or misunderstanding of things. It depends on the person. When the latter occurs under confusion or a misunderstanding, the truth of the illumination may not be expressed in its best form. 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; (2 Thessalonians)

Parasitic immigration: unwanted and harmful racial and cultural pollution has occurred. The concept of divine segregation has been trampled under foot by the diversity morality. Amicable expulsion is recommended. Leadership execution is required: Give them a packed-lunch and send them on their way.

Although Glynda's video seemingly fails to promote the righteous concept of not being polluted by other peoples, God's plan for Israel was to be racially and culturally homogeneous, not mixed with other races and cultures. As a father has a responsiblity to provide food and protection for his child, a nation's leaders have a responsibility to protect the homogeneity (racial and cultural similarity) of its people. Sadly, the leadership of the USA and Europe have been infiltrated, and such treacherous politicians have brought terrible things upon the people including harmful immigration.


Judgment Coming

What America was like before it became polluted

A vision of family cleanliness

Beware of the "ten minutes" rapture heresy!

The man of sin will be revealed, the son of perdition, before the return of Jesus

Prophecies About:

How WW III “Will Start”

Dream Vision Maidan Square Kiev Ukraine Prophecy WWIII WW3 NWO

WW III: Destruction Of England

WW III: Invasion Of Taiwan

WW III: Russia And China

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A written version: It states, "Then suddenly, Jesus will come and the Third World War breaks out. It will be a short war." If she was speaking chronologically as it seems to be translated, then according to her Jesus will come before the war. However, this doesn't fit the biblical chronology. When Jesus comes, the earthly platform for righteous rule will begin because the man of sin will no longer exist.
Take note what she says about how the breathing enviroment will be affected, "All that I have seen of war before is only child s play compared to this one, and it will be ended with a nuclear atom bomb. The air will be so polluted that one cannot draw one s breath." A. A. Allen also mentioned the searing of lungs in his 1954 vision.

Here is a link to another version.
I disagree with his historical chronology perhaps among some other things.

Alternative Video from a Norwegian: