Comments On Divorced And Remarried Pastor Coverstone's “Keep Your Eye On The Prize Dream”

Referring to his dream, formerly divorced Coverstone says he was not carrying an umbrella, perhaps implying that his fornication-promoting antagonism and mocking God does not exist. He cannot even define marriage and see that his marital pseudo-theology is one hundred eighty degrees from what the Lord Jesus Christ taught. That is blood-guilty LOST! Many of today's divorced and remarried pastors refuse to hear the teaching of marital purity. They live addictively, defiled (blood-guilt) lives. Adultery is a horrible sin, as well as murder. Both were death-penalty sins in the Old Testament. Life is in the blood. The Lord Jesus can give the strength for adulterers and fornicators to repent, live single and holy lives, but many will not give up their sin. They rather die in delusion. Nevertheless, the pure can have a blessed wedding. Example:

God wants Christians to gather together and have fellowship, but you can't fellowship with defiled pastors and people that are not willing to repent from their sins. Find faithful Christians to fellowship with.

P.S. - Victoria, I hope you are not deceived by this heretic.

Keep Your Eye On The Prize Dream - Friday July 21, 2023 New Dream!, Dana Coverstone

Erring Prophets And Remarriage Heresy

National Moral Deterioration

Tongues, “Pentecostal” Heresy: Remarriage Demon

Kevin Zadai Near Death Experience And Adultery

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