
Jewish Thought VS Christian Thought


The Jewish religious person generally relies on the Talmud, “our Torah” as Tzipi Livni once put it, more so than the Old Testament. When a Jewish person studies a section of the Bible, the Talmudic commentary often is given eminence. The New Testament is not accepted as a holy book among Talmudic groups. Some of the Talmud verses are blasphemous and subhuman concerning Christians and mankind. So their study is limited and corrupted, compared to the New Covenant studies. The Christians use the Old Testament and New Testament as biblical authority. Of course, both groups, Christians and the Jewish, may use other writings also.


The Talmud even skips or evades parts of the Old Testament, especially concerning patrilineal race. Maimonides never included Numbers 36:5-13 in his 613 commandment count. Matrilineal succession law (without any biblical authority) is ordered by the Jewish, the complete opposite of Old Testament patrilineal succession law. Contrarily, Jesus the Christ implicitly (Matthew 1:1-16) recognized patrilineal race when he was referring to the “house of Israel” or Hebrew tribes in his speech with the Canaanite woman.

Jerusalem is divided by two different religious cultures, Herzl matrilinealists versus Islamists. Nevertheless, the matrilinealists being of mixed racial peoples cannot qualify as Hebrews or a genetic tribe. Therefore, they slander appropriate discernment as Moses commanded by race (Numbers 36:5-13) as racism (גזענות). Matrilinealists and hybrids have withstood genetic homogeneity and racial democracy on a global scale. To the detriment of the Jewish having to depend upon the matrilinealist heresy/culture alone, some of the Islamists are genetically more Semitic. Although demographics are being polluted due to such anti-genetic homogeneity hegemony worldwide, times will have to change and things will have to get much worse in order for the son of perdition to sit in the temple.


The Jewish do not recognize and honor the reproof of remarriage by Jesus the Christ. Many of Israel's current political leaders are carnal, remarried, “gay”-promotional, and are not men or women of pure thought. Knowledgeable Christians, on the other hand, realize the difference and spiritual advancement as to marital holiness concerning the reproof of the second law (Deuteronomy) of Moses.


Nevertheless, the Jewish have had a detrimental influence on Christian societies. Our concept of biblical institution and general government has been subverted. Christians are no longer the ruling people in their founded nations. We have been made as inverse slaves through Affirmative Action and other anti-Japhethic racial laws.

America should be concerned about following the commandments of Christ and promoting morality, preventing abortions, abolishing Affirmative Action, and restoring white male rights, and staying out of unnecessary wars. Rather than honoring the commandments of Jesus, the Jewish want to honor Herzlism, Israel and anti-Christianity, even in America.


Christians must realize how harmful, apostate and dangerous it is to be deceived by Jewish, theological and philosophical thought and negligence of the truth. Below is a video of a Jewish convert, the type of people the Jewish like to honor in our government. As you can see she is not Semitic (and obviously defying the patrilineal succession law). Her sin of denying Jesus the Christ is horrible.

People such as this have antagonized and subverted Christian institutions and America. We should be protecting and developing the people of the USA, not involving ourselves in international and apartheid affairs against the advice of the first president. A Jewish Am3rica is a hamstrung Am3rica, led as a proxy country and military machine for those who reject and oppose its Christian constituents, an Am3rica defying the wisdom of our great theologian Luther.

"He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." (Mark 16: 16) A person cannot earn his way to heaven. God gives eternal life though faith in his son, Jesus the Christ. The Lord will not accept sacrifices of animals. To deny and turn against the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross leaves a person on his way to eternal torment. This woman committed an unpardonable sin if she does not repent:


613 Mitzvote Evasion

Patrilineal Succession Law

Racial Difference Between Canaanites and Hebrews

Racial Democracy Inversed

Avoid False Meditation

Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth (2 Ti. 2: 15)

Philippians 4:8

Bad Choice and Future Desire: Monica Lewinsky

Jeremiah 3

False Walk of Spiritual Fornication

Sexual Purity and Natural Revelation

Kathrine Kuhlman Rebellion

Remarriage Repentance: Humphrey

Waiting for Marriage: Right Reasons

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