Marriage: God >>>>> Homogeneous Community (Nu. 36:5-13) >>>>> Virgin Daughter >>>>> Male Parent's Desire >>>>> Dowry

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Welcome! This is part of my Dowry of Virgins Bible study

and “Chastity And Female Virginity Prerequisite” Playlist

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If You're Thinking about Marriage, Think about God and Dowry First!

Attraction is generally something that catches the eye or attention of someone: natural features. A young, Nordish male may be attracted by the light skin and natural blonde hair of a female. Or by petite, facial lines. However, there are many, various, beauties of the Northern European descendants, not all of them have light hair and blue eyes; some may even have black hair and brown eyes. Some with other types of lovely facial features. Intelligence and education may add to the attractiveness. So may disposition. So may the way she dresses. Growing older, a teen begins to recognize the sexual features, the breasts and curvature of the body, and even long hair.

However, spiritual attraction is the most important part of attractiveness for a Christian. A person that believes in Jesus as their Lord is not an isolated individual but rather a member of a spiritual organism, the Christian body. When a male looks for female friendship, he must take into account whether the girl is a believer, which would identify her also as a part of the same organism, and if not, compassionately, he would want to help her become part of that body. The body (the Christian organism) has rules to follow that develop posterity. Understanding the precept of male-parent authority and the dowry of virgins, laws that govern marital situations, is necessary; successful, female friendship relationships must evolve around them. Therefore, the natural beauty of the female is only part of the attraction to the male, the spiritual requirements must be fulfilled also.

If there is great natural attraction but no spiritual attraction, such as no faith in the female, or even no faith in her male parent or guardian (the one with the authority to give her to a male), the attraction is not wholesome because part of the spiritual things that produce for the benefit of the individual and the spiritual organism as a whole (the church body) are not met. Even if the male is overwhelmed by the female natural attractiveness without spiritual attraction, if he is spiritual, he would recognize that something very important is missing.

So, male-parent (or guardian) guidance of a female is part of spiritual attraction and in order for the physical or natural attraction of the daughter to be wholesome, it must be accompanied with it (the spiritual part); her natural attraction is not an individual attraction complete in itself, but merely a natural attribute of a potential, family-relation attraction, a spiritual relation which adheres to the rules of God and a larger spiritual body. Christian friendships should be established upon the male being satisfied with the natural and spiritual attraction of the female, and the female mutually so.

Today, in America, many naturally attractive Christians lack the knowledge and family-relation protection (especially, exclusive Christian communities) that could so desperately help them develop. We have been politically overthrown so to speak through Marxist, anti-Christian ideals. Sinners and unbelievers almost count our lovely women for a prey. Our nation's corrupt media and heretical churches could care less about spiritual authority and sexual obedience—many of their preachers condone adultery, much less promote or even understand the basis for holy friendships!

Psalm 29:2Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.”

Let us remember the Lord in all our doings, and may He enlighten us and bless us in all our ways, and give us Godly friendships among our people. Amen.

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