World Tyranny: How It Evolved And Where It Leads

Putin invaded Ukraine on March 24, 2022. The people were similar in race and they were associated with each others' culture and government. Ukraine didn't want to be under Russian rule and oppression. Under like circumstances, Abraham Lincoln invaded the South ( a like Japhethic people as the North) and began the Civil War, wherein the South did not want to be under Union rule and oppression. Today, from hindsight, we can see that the founding people of the USA became enslaved through the war and following politics. White male children are treated as 2nd class citizens, subject to Affirmative Action disadvantages and lack of opportunity.

Russia, in its new adventure for gain, most likely will tighten the politics of the world to unite against its aggression. Wars usually end with people losing former rights and new policies taking place even as the Southerners in America and also the Northerners. Modern politics and war seemingly call for a one-government system and that may be the most devastating existence possible. America became a group of states under federal rule, but the future may hold a place for nations being under an international rule.


If the world were to reset back to the racial homogeneity and isolationism at the scattering of peoples from Babel, it would be able with its advanced knowledge of history and science to make great multilateral, homogeneous, national governments wherein various nations would be able to help other nations to establish the God-approved value of racial homogeneity and national linguistics, the value of a one-people government--nationalism. Abraham Lincoln had some respect toward that very thing when he said, " ... no room for two distinct races of white men in America, much less for two distinct races of whites and blacks."1 Although nevertheless, he seemed to flip-flop on some of his later ideas but he still attempted to repatriate blacks. However, as politics seemed to fall toward the worse, Lincoln's separation idea was neglected and political tyrants eventually progressed toward the multi-racialism and multi-culturalism of God-despised Babel.


The Puritans and other Christians were not perfect during the establishment of the USA but they did have some degree of respect for honor toward Christianity and a penalization deterrent toward fornication, adultery, theft, murder, fraudulent religion and harm against white posterity and other crimes, much better than many fornication and adultery-passive so-called pastors and negligent ministers of our day. If a Christian wants to develop his theology he must study the times past and great men who struggled with heresy and persecution: Luther and Tyndale (translators). He must go further back in his studies to the times of the elders at Jerusalem. The Scriptures must be his guide.

The Struggle For Moral Reversal And Positive Modification

We can't turn the clock back to old times, but we can at least realize that the apostasy has begun in the USA. The country suffered greatly at the time of the suspicious institution of the Federal Reserve Bank. Wars began that the people didn't want. Our white males lost superior position. Abortion came about into the count of millions. Politicians won seats advocating demise and negligently deterring penalty for alcohol, drug abuse and other crime. The Babel moral came into political action: Our Congress and high courts are full of people who shamelessly promote diversity and speak evil of the desire for racial separation. It seems the only governmental approach left even at very small numbers is individual attempt for a Christian ethnic community.


Siener van Rensburg Prophecy Of The Destruction Of England

The Need For Multilateral Nationalism

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Norwegian Prophecy Of Fornication Before WW III

Prophecy: WW III: Invasion Of Taiwan

Prophecy: WW III: Russia And China

A. A. Allen Vision Of Destruction Of USA

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