Protect intimate family relationship >>>>> God >>>>> Man >>>>> Family >>>>> Race >>>>> Subrace >>>>> Community >>>>> Abraham >>>>> Isaac >>>>> Jacob >>>>> Hebrew Race >>>>> Subraces: Twelve Tribes >>>>> Nation of Israel >>>>> Homogeneous Communities



Racial and cultural homogeneity are sacred; they are necessary elements of civism and sovereignty. The topic of genetic race and subrace (tribes) is inherent in the study of Biblical anthropology. It cannot be eliminated. It is a continuing endeavor to observe through patrilineal descendancy the destiny of the sons of Noah.

The Bible is our guideline. It gives us a spiritual outline to follow in every way. The twelve tribes of Jacob and the communities of Israel were (are) a great example for state-district prescription for race and demographics: Intra-tribal marital, inheritance and antigenocide law (Nu. 36:5-13). The USA and other mixed-race nations have the opportunity to make distinct districts (race districts) for each remaining subrace if they only would. Nevertheless, the Christian subraces must lead in the virtue of genetic fidelity and defy the antiChristian, Marxist plot of racial nihilism.

The Scriptures are also a great example and moral, racial model for smaller communities such as the family. We must include individual and family values in every aspect of community engineering from the smallest level to the top, from the family level to the state level. Racial and cultural homogeneity is a prerequisite building block for any community.

The community's smallest subset is the family, made up of individuals (a male and female with their offspring). They are reproducing elements for the larger community (the district or state). The Hebrew family was determined patrilineally; in contrast, the Jewish are not Hebrew because their family unit is based matrilineally: and genetically, such a heretical, genetic course is a cause of Hebrew genocide. When people lose their national inheritance through mixing with other peoples, they may lose to an extent if not totally their desire to uphold the virtue of racial homogeneity. Makes you wonder, did Marx have any reason not to want to destroy the virtue of racial homogeneity among other peoples!

Therefore, generally following the example set by the Hebrews according to the law of Moses is a way the non-Hebrew peoples can determine who should belong to a defined, racial district or nation. Today, since mixing has occurred, generally, individuals would have to begin with the patrilineal, dominant-race percentage method to genetically determine their proper mate, families, small communities and districts.

Community rule is a great part of democracy: The early Hebrews executed immoral people. They did not wait and take them through a court system if they were caught in a blatant act of immorality (folly) or other death-penalty deserving sin. The USA in the early 1800's held community rule by the local people generally through government of the states. However, a court ruled against it, and state dominance (becoming mixed with non-homogeneous constituents), perhaps a form of tyranny against civism and true democracy, began. Eventually, Abraham Lincoln even dissolved state rule through federal dominance. He overrode the biblical institution of slavery and freedom through service fulfillment also. Civism and community rule cannot last in an imperiial world, unless the community of people becomes stronger militarily more so than its surrounding neighbors and countries. Community rule and state authority failed completely by the time of the Civil War.

Tyranny reigns. Now, adulterers and sodomites are protected, and even rewarded.