How CULT-PENTECOSTALISM threw out the "thou shalt not commit adultery" commandment: .

White people from Britain came to America on the Mayflower and other ships. They wanted to serve God in the eastern part of the land we now call the USA. They extended their morality from Christian influence and domination throughout the land and developed a law system. Early American law disallowed adulterous1 immigrants. (1 . Naturalization Act of 1790, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Since that time many Christian principles have become polluted with anti-Christian religious influence through the invasion of the Kennedy immigration demise. Homogeneity and marriage laws were changed and founder-heir descendants lost their demographic autonomy and rule. Many white males are oppressed today through treachery and legalized slavery inversion.

Adulteress and anti-white activist, Isik Abla, a former Muslim, has become a cult proponent as our religious culture has been deteriorating as well as Gloria Copeland, born in the USA. Remarriage without repentance and “religion” has become a plague in our day. Adulterer Kenneth Copeland and fornication supporter Pat Robertson have helped solidify the heresy. People have been perverted and theologically subverted internationally and the USA itself has lost the moral inheritance and initiative that the founding people had.

Christians must be aware of the apostasy and times of sexual defilement that we live in throughout this world. This is the reason God is going to punish the earth: defilement. (Isaiah 24:5)

If people lived in a land that honored God's commandments and did not defile the land with their deeds, then the Lord would have no reason to destroy it.

In 1968 a 90-year old Norwegian woman's end-time vision mentioned the sexual deterioration and war that would come about:

Get out of the corrupt churches while you have an opportunity to help and support truth and character.

Kat Kerr a wolf in sheep clothing

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