The Ten Commandments And Understanding The Name Of God


Remember Exodus 20:1-5. Let us not bow down to or honor anti-Christians and their symbols, especially the fraudulent, Herzl Matrilinealists -- an artificial cult claiming to be Jews: I call them Joos at times when I write. Those who have rejected Jesus Christ are not friends of God, but rather enemies.

Those who have disregarded Numbers 36:5-13 and made up their own plan and rules to inherit the land of Israel are not followers of the commandments. They distort history and are pseudo-intellectuals. It is dangerous to go by mere biased opinion rather than strictly obeying (1 Samuel 15.23) the word of God. When they lift up God's name are not they in vain (Ex. 20:7) when they fictitiously abuse the name of his Son, Jesus, translated "salvation", who is his only begotten and divine lineage!

They will not be cleansed for their iniquity.

Also, the boys that stay away from the ham sandwiches and disregard the words of Peter and Timothy (I Ti. 4:4-5) but claim they don't have to be grafted in as all Gentiles (Luke 21:24) may have a big surprise ahead of them. If we really respect the name of God our father, we will respect the name of his Son, who is our saviour. If we really believe in God, we believe in the Son also, who created our world. (Colossians 1:12-16)

Brother Yirmeyah, the host of the video below, is a great language teacher and is a pleasant follower of Jesus Christ (Yeshua hamashiach) but he fails sometimes in doctrine, even so much as to follow Talmudic teaching rather than Christian teaching. Let us pray that the Lord refine him and ourselves. Don't confuse great men like him with the heretics that do not believe and blaspheme.

No matter how much study ultra-Orthodox Jewish tradition requires, no one in Israel can acquire Jew-hood. No one under matrilineal law can achieve the required gene pool of patrilineal law: Nu. 36:5-13; Ezra 10:3; Dt. 4:2; Ezra 2:61, 62; Ruth 4:18-22.

There are three eras of law: first law (Ge.-Nu.), second law (Dt.-Mal.) and fulfillment of the law (New Testament). Exodus belongs to the first law era and is strict. Changes and edification (although less complete than fulfillment) were made in the second law era, especially as to marriage (Dt. 24:1-4). The last era, which we are living in, gives us fulfillment.

We can see this in fulfillment in a study of the names of God (relating to Shavuot) and the works of Yeshua. "Eheyeh asher eheyeh", spoken by God unto Moses gives us insight. (Ex. 3.14) Some suggest: “I shall be who I shall be”. The word "sha ve" means emptiness or vanity. When we lift up God's name, we must do it in a way that gives him honor of who he is, including his Fathership and divine lineage of the Son (Yeshua). We can see in our prayer when we use "in the name of Yeshua" that we are not void of honoring the commandment and we can be cleansed (ye-naq-qhay – shall be cleansed) whereas those who refuse or deny the deity of Yeshua with the Father cannot be cleansed. (Exodus 20:7)

We can see fulfillment in one-day of the week rest unto permanent and eternal rest.

It is easily understood that the author of the book of Hebrews attributed (having known the old covenant law) the sabbath day as the seventh day of the week: see Ex. 20:11. Yeshua said, "It is finished" his last moment on the cross. He completed his work that God had given him to do in order that we might have life. God completed all the creation in six days and he rested on the seventh day. Yeshua is the "rest" people need to enter!

"It is we, we who have become believers, who enter the rest referred to in the words, 'As I vowed in my anger, they shall never enter my rest.' Yet God's work has been finished ever since the world was created; for does not Scripture somewhere speak thus of the seventh day: 'God rested from all his work on the seventh day'?" (Heb. 4:3, 4 [NEB])

Part I


Ten Commandments

Three Law Eras Concerning Marriage

The Sabbath

Samuel The Prophet: Learning To Know God