Judge Amy Barrett

Phobic Adoptionitis Syndrome Cartoon: I do not agree with the genetic ideology of the kingidentity.com site even though it may make an interesting illustration how liberals, progressives, Congress and people like Lindsey Graham and judge Barrett may think. As far as genetics (race favoring) and adoption is concerned, I will recommend the reproof to Tim Tebow. We do suffer anti-Christian, envelope media (fake news) that brainwashes/misleads many people. Lack of knowledgeable Christians and an open platform to speak out against racially nihilistic Roman Catholicism and modern Jewish one-world heresy has profited globalism, and destroyed our once homogeneity and white-favoring government. If a person is really pro-life, he (or she) is also pro-race (pro-homogeneity).


Paleo-conservative Judges

Coverstone Dreams

Nehemiah and Ezra

Barrett-Booker Non-White Supremacy

Judge Barrett Fawning Deference To Cory Booker

Cory Booker Actually Asks Amy Coney Barrett to Denounce White Supremacy, Oct 13, 2020, BlazeTV

Barrett says nothing about the systematic racism of Affirmative Action, which innocent, white males have suffered as 2nd class citizens for 48 years!

What if Barrett had asked Cory Booker if he denounced non-White supremacy! Affirmative Action is founded upon systematic white male emasculation across the board by all females and non-white males. She was too brainwashed/psychologically polluted to do so.

If ancient Israel had granted equal rights to their slaves, they could not have kept other laws of Moses. The Hebrews were an exclusive group of tribes, disallowing those of other tribes "equality", "fraternity" and other things. How can anyone, especially the white women of America, say that was wrong and treat their white males as they do!