Blonde: The Need For Biblical Institution

Our biblical institutions are being trampled over. Our laws have been changed. It is a necessity that we bring the Bible back to our community if we expect anything good to last. Look how Marxism and the doctrine of rebellion and hate, leading to Communism, destroyed Russia's family life and others. Our dear, innocent youth are being perverted and masqueraded as leftist targets and projects. May God help us, amen.

When state law agrees with biblical law, government makes a way for peace and prosperity. When the state disagrees with or distorts biblical truth, it becomes a tool of tyranny. Regardless, we must not depend upon the state or politics, we have to dig deeper, group invest, and make our own communities merely to survive the political corruption.


Tara McCarthy

Brittany Pettibone

Augustus Invictus

Tara's Deceived By Hinduism And Satan
(Still A Great Alt Right Proponent—We Love Her)

Meat Is Blessed By The Word Of God And Giving Thanks/Anti-Veganism

The Land Of Milk And Honey

Contraception Is Against Biblical Values

Do We Need Leaders Or Political Parties?

More On Tara McCarthy...

Loving One's Own Race Is Natural

Race And IQ

Charlottesville Cuckism

Hybrids And Achievement Of Dominant Race

Explaining The Definition Of Hate

Marriage And Christianity Issue

Having Children

Sex Thought: Protestant VS Roman Catholic

Do We Need Leaders Or Political Parties?

Bre Faucheux

Other Alt Right Proponents


How To Talk To Liberals

Charlottesville Lawsuit

JIHAD Against America Exposed! Enough is Enough!

Kevin Shipp - Former CIA Officer Explains The Shadow Government - The Hagmann Report

Hijabs Are A Sign Of Cuckoldry

NWO Disformation Of Social Morality And Resulting Cuckoldry

Lifting Up Christian Standards

Sex, Purity And Justice

Building Communities

Noah's Blessing Upon The White Man

Our Own Party

Be Water My Friend

Purity As Part Of Justice Needed

Father's Day Gift: Ministry

God's Judgment Upon A Defiled Land (Isaiah 24:5)

Understanding Differences Of Christian Thought

What Screwed America Up

Christian Community

Community And Finance

Appealing For Secession Or State Land Division:
The Racial Compact

Homogeneous Political Examples

Political Misdirection

Hindrances To Homogeneous Community

25 Points

Alex Jones' Genocide Propaganda

Affirmative Action Destroys The Family Institution

White Male Displacement and Mission Life

Abraham Lincoln's Race Jeopardization For Opportunity

New World Order Influence Upon Sex

Divorce And Remarriage
(Divorce may be necessary at times, but never remarriage.)

The Jewish Question: Not A Hebrew Tribe

Women's Suffrage

Jewish Myth

God's Judgment Upon A Defiled Land (Isaiah 24:5)

The Jewish Are Not Jews/Hebrews

Karl Marx And White Hatred

Learn How To Distinguish Between Race And Culture

Military Draft For Women