If a Christian makes a bad decision, he must repent of it even as King David did. He must not let it continue.
Kicked Out of the House
Marriage: Appreciate Your Race
Women's Lib (Profound Studies)
Facebook Posts: Kenneth posted a
link to Lauren
Drain's .timeline
"Hi Lauren,
Children especially need good guidance. When a child is growing up and is persecuted by his or her parent unto the point of leaving, the youth is left as a prey in a dangerous environment. Good or bad decisions make a person and a child does not have enough experience and wisdom to make good decisions in every aspect on his own. If the child survives the hard world he has to go into, without the things a good parent could have provided for him, he still may be able to advance... but most likely with scars. Good parents are a blessing to a child; wicked parents destroy them.
Romans 1:28 gives account of God's judgment of a reprobate mind (beyond hope of salvation) and Galatians 5:19-21 tells us about the things that are of the flesh, and not of God's spirit. Today homosexuality and fornication have increased. So have enablers (even some churches, and others that do not protest). Drug abuse is no less today than years ago; many narcotic addictions come from prescriptions now. How can a youth escape things without decent, parental guidance!
I do not know Shirley's particular circumstances but
she did refer to her son as illegitimate. Actually, if the father
of her son was her first man and he is still alive, her remaining
children would be biblically the illegitimate ones because of her
unchastity. Hypothetically, if her first man died and she had no
other sex with any other men before meeting her present man, she
would not be bound as being unchaste.
Some Escapes of My Own Go to “Featured Playlists” on the 21st Century Chastity Channel and find the “Ex-members of Communities” playlist. My thoughts from personal experience concerning living in communities can be found there. Here is how it begins: “Community living is a great thing! I recommend it. I think many ex-members of communities should help start better ones. However, I have started this playlist to let you know more about this method of lifestyle.” My last community residence was over thirty years ago at Teen Challenge. As I remember, a community before that one was really pleasant in a way but its ministers were hypocritical enough that I didn't see any logical reason that I could be spiritually benefited by continuing my stay. One suggested a fist fight and to take a ride out in the field to settle an argument over an ideological issue. This guy was a seminary student at one time if I am not mistaken and I was amazed at his lack of non-violence and ethics. Another minister (director) at the same place had been remarried and was in need of repentance. One of the other ministers was a different race than most of us and he had his own ideas about things too. I knew homogeneity had to be promoted but I did not know how to demonstrate it as well as I do now. I booked that place (left). Another community that I resided out West was more like a real estate project as it seemed. The manager of the setting that I was in ran it in an American business-like fashion. He didn't seem to like any intellectual, biblical controversy. I booked. Another community that I remember a girl told me the leader made love to the women. I booked. There were more stops than these through my early struggles and some of the mission houses that I flopped at were no Hotel Hilton(s). The breakfast donuts were stale at times and the coffee was by no means a choice cup. If you don't succeed at a failing community, the road of escape is not always easy either. I missed some of the people and the ministers. Some of the people would have liked to develop for Christ I believe. I am sorry that I could not help them and that they had to remain under such undesirable conditions (whether they realized it or not). I have prayed for them and the failing ministers also. It is in God's hands. I have tried to start a school/farm as a ministry for God as I think I have should but have not been successful (as mentioned in the Kenneth Copeland heresy reproof). However, I believe my ideas will live on to help others regardless. 2 Ti. 4:1 “I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; 2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”
YouTube Videos Playlists (links updated: Aug 27, 2022) Christian Community on Facebook: Post your comments
Download Now! Sermons Why we promote racial and cultural homogeneity: Press here. A person may survive a car wreck and have like children afterward, but a person that has sex with another race destroys the genetic purity possibility of their offspring; physical and moral consequences can never be wiped out. The first century Samaritans, formerly part of the ten tribes, had a displacement problem with the Assyrians and many lost their genetic inheritance. The Hebrews eventually lost theirs too. America and its original democracy was not orignially intended to be Babelized. We must avoid the generational curse. Jesus is our hope. |