The Natural and Spiritual
Order of Things



Developing Biblical Intellect

Through study of sermons and the Scriptures

Through learning the biblical languages

Building or Rebuilding Character


Establishing virtue and commitment

Resisting multi-racial gainsaying and intrusion

Avoidance of Deception


Abnormal behavior

Ted Kennedy racial-flood treason

Manifestations of appearance and dress deviation


The Unwarranted and Needless Civil War

Biblical principles concerning slavery and release

Slavery Intellectual Challenge

Abraham Lincoln's jeopardization of the nation's constitutional welfare was unwarranted

World Communication Control as a Governing Mechanism

How Henry Ford, Sr. fought against Jewish total-media/information-control

Analyzing propaganda

The Internet: Making our own news and media

Christian Finance VS. Debt-Based Enslavery

Christian finance

Prelude to anti-American leadership and war control:
Rise of anti-Christianity and anti-church finance doctrine

Federal Reserve Bank enslavement

The Christian and the Sword:
The United States Should Have Stayed Out of WW I

Our ancestors should have been concerned with preventing usury and the centralized bank

Active piety and promoting biblical principles

The way out

The Word "Hate"

Biblical use

How our enemies have misused words for the sake of adverse propaganda

Moses, Man of Virtue:
Understanding Why Adversity (Inter-racial Mixing)
and the Rogue Must Not Be Tolerated

Israeli annihilation-instruction of its enemies was more exhaustive
and lethal than the German Gestopo's

Ruth of the Bible and the 3rd Reich agreed upon homogeneity principle

Martin Luther

Adolf Hitler

Flavius Josephus

The Revealed Great Enemy: The Talmudicist


The Talmudicist fight against Gentile prosperity in Europe

Jewish Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
makes a surreptitious assault against free speech and Christianity in Vienna (June 03)

The Suffering of Repulsive Intrusion and
Vulnerability of Northern European Races after WW II

Racially afflicted means of survival in the midst of intrusive, rival and infectious, immoral races

We are politically abandoned without White representation
and forced against our will to integrate with inferior races and cultures

Joos and the art of ethnic cleansing

Media vexation

We lose our jobs to border-crossers, and even have to struggle
to understand their immigrant-English speech: forced, reluctant, free English lessons also!

The predator and the female: Insult and assault upon our women with impunity

Whites are repressed and charged more severely with "hate crimes", whereas the "minorities" are not

The predator and our males: abominable lower nature

Making Amends and Debilitating the Talmudicist Control

Overcoming the anti-Christian Zionist

Let us be forgiving, make amends, re-evangelize and re-unite our brotherhood with Germany

Germany or no other country can have democracy with a new-world-order cabal tyrannizing them

Affliction and Languishment of Survival in the Midst of Tyranny:
Lawlessnesses Replacing Law -- Protocolic Total Warfare



Condonation of legalized adultery

Dispossession of our inheritance


Jewish caught in their double standards and treachery, but still in control

Census Crisis

Exposing government repression through willful, negligent census accounting
