
First of all purity must be restored. Students of the Bible must gain Hebrew and Greek language skills. They must learn how to give precedence to a principle or law according to the eras. A new and more safe and spiritual form of wedding ceremony has been established to prevent fornication and adultery. The mainstream churches are following the minus one third gospel (tolerating sexual immorality). Recognition of the “generals of immorality” – Hagin, Copeland, Oral Roberts -- and those in error must be made. Separation and shunning of such is also expected. They took in big money and stood in the way of restoration. They led many astray. It would take a miracle for many to recover. Samuel was not so (1 Samuel 12:3-5). Prophets keep the people in line with God's written word. John the Baptist was faithful, even unto death.

Special (The Written Word) And Natural Revelation When In Line With God Work Together

Marriage is a physical sex act between a virgin female and a male (Ex. 22:16, Dt. 22:13-21, 28, 29)--biblical revelation [and there is agreement with the bridegroom and acceptance by the father of the girl]. The virginity of a woman is proof of a woman's eligibility to marry--natural revelation. The male partner by either sharing or violating the virgin female's chastity becomes either a husband or a polygamist (although legally disallowed in many places), the latter sexual status is in contradiction to a new testament principle of monogamy (I Cor. 7:27). Nature and God's written word, natural and biblical revelation, harmonize as to the enlightenment of the essence of marriage and encourage the continuance of a chaste relationship.


Understanding of church hierarchy is necessary.


A reformation and restoration of the church is necessary. Modern pagan and anti-Christian (including erring churches) media has almost silenced good Christian teaching and preaching. However, we can still have a voice. Setting your vision to the task can make change. The Manhattan Project changed the military status in the US. It became a world power. It took recruiting skilled people to think, design, build, test, and change former technology. The true church has to be pro-active also. We must reach those who can hear so they join us, only without paid salaries as those of the Manhattan Project and the false and erring church. Working for God is not a salary career, it is not a denominational effort (1 Cor. 1:13), it is bringing light to the world. The apostles did not sell their spiritual material. The Apostle Paul was a tent maker. They didn't follow modern commercial/business gain schemes to increase their outreach. Sadly, many American adulterous, so called evangelists or preachers would seemingly be insulted or ashamed to work for their living without high end financial gain. We see this as a deterioration of society. Remember how well Samuel faithfully restored Israel by looking and submitting unto God, and afterward his sons became judges and changed the spiritual environment from good to bad by taking bribes (1 Samuel 8.3). We must avoid such corruption and covetousness diversions. May God bless us, amen.

Understanding Theology And Science Work Together

Genetics and genealogy progress has been hindered by the UN and its influenced subsidiaries, including public schools. A big error that Christians make today is believing that the modern “Jewish” are the same people as the ancient Hebrews. False. The people occupying Israel and living in various other countries and claiming to be heirs of the land (Israel) are telling you a lie. I personally believe Dumitru Duduman erred when he stated, The angel of the Lord also told me, 'I have blessed this country because of the Jewish people who are in this country.'” (Similarly, Kenneth Copeland attempted to make it look like his remarriage was in agreement with God through a conversation with Him, but it wasn't!) Many docile people and unlearned Christians may have accepted overt, anti-Christians as a people they should honor, support or protect – horrible conclusion. Our famous theologian and reformer Martin Luther warned of them. These people are no more special than the Watchtower people, who also deny the deity of Christ. The Joos, as I call them, have an artificial, genetic and genealogical history. They cannot produce a patrilineal Hebrew (Jew) from a Herzlist matrilineal non-Hebrew gene pool. Even though they are a mixed-race Talmudic culture, not a Hebrew race, they are the same people who have slurred other nations for holding race sacred (Joshua 23:12, 13).

Numbers 36:5-13: After the scattering of Babel, nations formed with their own languages. Abraham left Babel and a wicked family. God made him a father of many nations (Gn. 17:4-6). So, we see by the time of Numbers 36 that God had established many nations and a Hebrew people that had descended from Abraham. They were a patrilineal race, which their patrilineal, genealogy is recorded in the Old and New Testament. In this chapter, God established the heirs of the land of Israel intra-racially, not just by race but by distinct tribes within the patrilineal Hebrew race. In Acts 2:11 we see the Jews and their proselytes still existed. So, the races through Shem, Japheth and Ham continued through subraces. However, the Hebrew tribes (patrilineal, intra-racial groups) are no longer found (became extinct) sometime after the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus (70 AD). There is no patrilineal, Hebrew gene pool today, so there can't be any Jews. God will still take ownership of his land eventually, but it is occupied by fraudulent, “Jewish” Gentiles (Luke 21:24) at the present.

Physics, Mathematics And Creation

Prophets Change From Their Former Self (They have a spiritual experience with God)

1 Samuel 10:6, see Acts 2:2-4: “other tongues” are learned over time but these men spoke instantly the language/tongue of others without ever learning it – the spirit of God gave them the utterance (Acts 2:4),