Human Racial Homogeneity Over Time |
2500 BC: |
Tower Of Babel: Three Races (Shemitic, Hamitic And Japhethic) And Subraces After The Scattering: Nationalism: Several Homogeneous Nations Among The Three Races And Their subraces |
600 BC |
Babylonian Captivity: Hebrews Relocated To Babylon Esther (Who Brought Many To Salvation But Lost Her Patrilineal Posterity) Became As A Great Evangelist For God's Law |
Return Of Hebrews To Israel: Nehemiahan Separation Of Hebrews From Mixed People (Righteous Government Through Apartheid) The Persians that were Judaized in Esther's time (not of the patrilineal Hebrews extant at that time) were not as arrogant and usurping as the modern Joos (not of now extinct patrilineal Hebrews either). The former (Persians) accepted the difference between a Jew/Hebrew and a proselyte! It is easy to see how the non-Hebrew Jewish (actually goys who invented a non-Torah religion) deceived many Christians. Their erring thoughts on Zion revisionism has greatly influenced eschatology. Myth has a big part in government. Americans are known for their Santa Claus during Christmas time. It is based on some truth: Jesus Christ was born and people brought gifts. How that relates to Santa Claus is far out of proportion though. Similarly, beginning somewhere between the Mideast and Eastern Europe/Western Asia the Joos (a non-Hebrew people with no register) claimed themselves as Jews. They brought in communism and the holodomor to Russia. They emigrated to America and corrupted its government. Our public schools even hired Eastern Europeans as teachers as the general status quo of our once Northern European Christian hegemony deteriorated. Nevertheless, you could buy and wear the most expensive schreimel and learn the biblical, ancient languages but it could not change your genealogy or genetics so as to become a Hebrew. The evangelized Persians respected the racial/tribal mandate and covenant of their time, but the modern Joos (religious goys, Gentiles -- Luke 21:24) are a mere (actually, invented) cult and do not. That is why they attempt to break down homogeneous governments. However, people and many Christians have been taught and deceived so to think such people are actual Jews/Hebrews. Such deception has cost the world trillions of dollars and many innocent lives through governmental changes in respect of a deceptive people with a goal of a one world culture wherein they lead it. Sometimes, people learn too late and cannot prevent much of the damaging consequences of unlearnedness, myth and following heresy. Albeit, through recognition of the truth, defending the racial attributes of the patriarchs and repentance, they can save their own soul. Homogeneity is a virtue. (Philippians 4:8) Be like Jesus, not like Saul. |
170 BC |
Macabbees: Hebrew Zealots And Warriors They Rebelled Against Tyranny And Reconsecrated The Temple That Was Defiled By “Epiphanes” |
30 AD: |
Firstfruits: Early Hebrew Christian Era: See 144,000 |
50 AD: |
Subracial Development Within The Nation Of Israel Demographically Officiated By A Religious Official (Formerly A Governor: Ezra 2:61-63) Proof Of Inheritance Defined By Pedigree And Genealogical Records: Register Hebrew Extinction After The Dispersion Of Titus (70 AD) And Before Herzl (1890 AD) Former Tribal (Subracial) Faithfulness Will Be Remembered And Rewarded In The Future |
1138 AD: |
Maimonides Leads Anti-Christians And Non-Hebrew Cult Members: Evades Commandment For Hebrew Inheritance |
1850 AD: |
Most Nations Still Generally Homogeneous Except For Expulsions And Mixtures Due To War And Unwarranted Marriages |
1913 AD: |
Federal Reserve Bank And Foreign Overtake Of USA Money Control And Unwarranted Non-Northern European Immigration Demonic Behind-The-Curtain Government Deprived Willful Black Repatriation Movement |
1947 AD: |
Rise Of Elite Anti-Christianity And Non-Hebrew, Fraudulent Overtake Of Israel |
1965 AD: |
Ted Kennedy Treasonous Immigration Flood And Curse Anti-Joshuan And Talmudic Treachery Notice Joshua 23:12 and 13 especially. The Hebrew tribes could not have existed under a multi-democracy. |
1972 AD: |
Affirmative Action And Almost Complete Desovereignation Of Japhethic Nations |
2000 AD: |
Racial Nihilism: Nationalism (An Inherited Political And Religious Design Through Abraham... “father of many nations”) Is Under Threat Of Existence Jesus Christ And The Caanite Woman Agreed Upon National Racial Preference Deteriorated Congress: Desensitized Understanding Of The Need For National Racial Preference Willful Demise And Integration: Their Humanities Foresight Is Dominated by Talmudic Pseudo-Intellectuality And Buzzword Propaganda Anti-Christian Equality Myth: Reverse Slavery Heresy |
Links: Race
Is Real, Evolutionary And Genetic IQ
And Demographics Why Whites Should Remain Homogeneous And Yoke Equally Will Biden Flood The USA With Idiots Joodaism (Luke 21:24) Cannot Produce A Jew “Race? It is a feeling, not a reality.” __Benito Mussolini The
Difference Between Hebrew (Patrilineal) "-
Racism against any race is wrong"... is a paranomosic
clause God made clothing for Adam and Eve. God scattered the people at Babel and made homogeneous nations with their own language. Body covering replaces nakedness and homogeneity avoids racial mixture (Joshua 23:12, 13) and confusion. Both acts of God's change are sacred! America was infiltrated with anti-Christians and anti-Americans who tore down our beautiful establishment, which protected the white race.Ted Kennedy, having a Talmudicist philosophy, deliberately and treasonously destroyed this and a lasting, providential biblical concept!